Stylistic text analysis of how our language reflects our thinking style.
The state of mind of the writer - upset or happy. On the extreme side there is angry, hateful writers and ton the other extreme there is joyful and loving writers. The measured accuracy is 96% (using 10-fold cross validation). For reliable results we recommend that you use at least 200 words.
by prfektAnalyzes the Extraversion/Introversion dimension of the personality type according to Myers-Briggs personality model. The analysis is based on the writing style and should NOT be confused with the MBTI (c) which determines personality type based on self-assessment questionnaires. Training texts are manually selected from mainly blog posts based on the authors understanding of personality and writing style (see Jensen & DiTiberio, 1989).
by prfektDetermines the Thinking/Feeling dimension of the personality type according to Myers-Briggs personality model. The analysis is based on the writing style and should NOT be confused with the MBTI (c) which determines personality type based on self-assessment questionnaires. Training texts are manually selected mainly from blog posts based on the authors understanding of personality and writing style (see Jensen & DiTiberio, 1989).
by prfektDetermines the Judging/Perceiving dimension of the personality type according to Myers-Briggs personality model. The analysis is based on the writing style and should NOT be confused with the MBTI (c) which determines personality type based on self-assessment questionnaires. Training texts are manually selected mainly from blog posts based on the authors understanding of personality and writing style (see Jensen & DiTiberio, 1989).
by prfektDetermines the Sensing/iNtuition dimension of the personality type according to Myers-Briggs personality model. The analysis is based on the writing style and should NOT be confused with the MBTI (c) which determines personality type based on self-assessment questionnaires. Training texts are manually selected mainly from blog posts based on the authors understanding of personality and writing style (see Jensen & DiTiberio, 1989).
by prfektDetermines the tonality of a text - corporate (formal) or personal (informal). Helps distinguish between prosumer media and pro media for instance.
by prfektTries to determine the values (i.e. worldview) expressed by the author according to Clare W. "Graves Emergent Cyclic Levels of Existence Theory".
by prfekt
Direction of focus - introversion/inner world (AQAL: UL + LR) or extraversion/outer world (AQAL: LL + UR). I believe this also shows wether a person is inner directed and thus prioritize other people´s opinions and experiences over one´s own (extravert) or outer directed (introvert). The class "extraversion" has been trained on 130455 features (words) whereof 24576 are unique.The class "introversion" has been trained on 83764 features (words) whereof 18111 are unique.
by prfekt
Language style abstract (big words) or concrete (facts and details). AQAL: UR + UR vs LL + LR. The class "abstract" has been trained on 110178 features (words) whereof 22070 are unique. The class "concrete" has been trained on 104040 features (words) whereof 20693 are unique.
by prfekt
Determines the perspective (i.e. quadrant) expressed by the author according to Ken Wilber's Integral Theory (AQAL - all quadrants all levels).
by prfekt
What parts of reality the author chooses to focus on. AQAL: quadrants. The class "Personal UL" has been trained on 27202 features (words) whereof 7384 are unique. The class "Philosophical LR" has been trained on 56561 features (words) whereof 13686 are unique. The class "Practical UR" has been trained on 76606 features (words) whereof 16798 are unique. The class "Social LL" has been trained on 53617 features (words) whereof 12721 are unique.
by prfekt
Interest in people (subjective) or things (objective). AQAL: UL + LL vs UR + LR. The class "people" has been trained on 80819 features (words) whereof 16949 are unique. The class "things" has totaly been trained on 133399 features (words) whereof 25393 are unique.
by prfekt